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《外贸函电》复习重点 中国鞋网 更新日期:2009-12-16 16:13:03 浏览:11576 【大字体  中字体  小字体】 【打印




  课文中用法: As this item falls(be, lie) within the scope(sphere) of our business activities,(lines) 棉布属于我公司经营范围。


  The item you inquired for comes within the frame of our business activities.你们所询的商品正属于我们的业务经营范围。

  We handle the import business of textiles.我公司经营纺织品的进口业务。

  We deal in Chinese textiles.我们经营中国纺织品。

  We are engaged in the exportation of chemicals.我们经营化工产品的出口。

  This shop trades in paper and stationery.这商店经营文具纸张。

  We are in the cotton piece goods business. (line)我们经营棉织品。


  Cotton Piece Goods are our line.棉布是我公司经营的产品。

  Cotton Piece Goods are our main exports.棉布是我们的主要进口商品。


  课文中用法:to enter into direct business relations with you与你公司建立直接的业务关系。

  注意:relations 必用复数; business 可用trade 替代。

  与某某建立业务联系,一般用法:to establish business relations with……;to enter into business activities with……;to build up business relations with……;to make business contact with ……。

  与谁建立业务联系用with, 如:与你公司(你们,潜在顾客等)建立联系to establish business relations with your company (your firm, your corporation,prospective dealers.)。

  建立什么样的关系:to establish direct (直接的) [pleasant (愉快的),friendly (友好的),good (良好的),mutually beneficial (互利的)] relations with ……。

  在什么基础上建立业务关系:on the basis of…… 如:We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.我们愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与你公司建立业务联系。
促进业务联系:to promote business relations;加强业务联系:to strengthen (enhance) business relations.

  3.general idea

  A general idea 概况。(对应于详细情况 :in details,Full details, all the details, important details, detail information)。


  Available 形容词available放在它所修饰的名词前或后都可以,如:Available quantity 或quantity available 可供数量。在外贸书信中放在后面比较普通,如:Do you have any sample available? 你们能给我们寄样品吗?


  quotation 做“报价”解时,常与动词make, send, give 等连用:Please make (send, give) us your lowest quotation.

  另外,还可以用let us have 的结构:Please let us have your lowest quotation.


  向对方请求报价时,必用for: Please make us your lowest quotation for Chinese Folding Fans.请报中国折扇最低价。

  提到对方报来的价,即已形成了的报价用of: Your quotation of ChineseFolding Fans is too high to be acceptable.你方中国折扇报价太高,不能接受。


  We look forward to your favourable reply. 盼佳音。通常我们以“盼早复”“盼佳音”等来结束此类信件。


  与quotation 相对应的动词是 quote.

  做报价解时的基本结构是:quote sb a price for sth: Please quote us your lowest price for walnuts.请向我方报核桃价。

  有时不说以介词for短语表示的商品,就成为quote sb a price: Please quote us your lowest price. 请向我方报最低价。

  有时只要直接宾语,而省略其它部分就成为quote a price: Please quote your lowest price.

  2.Happen to

  这一结构和动词连用,可以用来强调一件事是偶然发生的。如:I happen to know your are wrong.

  但这一结构和名词连用,则表示“临到……头上”。如:If anything happens to him, let me know. 如果他遭到什么意外,请通知我。

  另外,happen to 也常与if 与should连用。If (Should) you happen to pass a breaker's, pick me up a brown loaf, would you? 如果你碰巧经过面包店,请给我带一个黑面包。


  desire n./v. 期望,渴望;要求,请求(比wish强烈)


  Information n. 消息,报道(不可数名词,后常接介词on或about, 也可以接regarding或concerning)We shall be glad to receive more information on (or: about) this matter. 我们愿得到有关此事的更多的消息。

  All necessary information 一切必要的情况。此句中提到的catalog 与sample books 在商业书信中都属于information的范围。

  Catalogue n. 目录(本)[目录本适用于一般商品,列名详细规格及商品号码等,有绘画、照片或图表者,称为illustrated catalogue.

  单页的商品说明书称为leaflet. Sample books 样品本 [把布匹、纸张等各种花样,图案的小块剪样(sample cuttings)装订成一本,注明商品号码,称为样品本,寄供客户选购之用。

  so as to acquaint us with the material and workmanship of your supplies. 以便我公司熟悉你公司供货的质地和工艺。Acquaint sb. with sth. 等于 inform sb of sth; tell sb sth.


  supply 可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。

  Supply 作名词用时表示“供应”或“供应的货物”。


  a.作名词用: 表示抽象的概念以及一些习语中时,常用单数:Supply now exceeds demand on our market.目前我方市场供过于求。The goods are in short (scarce, light, free, abundant, ample) supply. 该货现供应短缺(稀少,量少,量大,丰富,充分)。

  表示具体概念时,用单复数都可以:We are replenishing supply (or: supplies )。 我们正在补充货源。 Buyers require additional supply (or: supplies) of wood oil. 买主要求再供应些桐油。

  b.作动词用:要注意句型:- We can supply you with all kinds of leather shoes. - We can supply all kinds of leather shoes. - We believe we shall be able to supply your requirements.


  intend 打算,是正式用语, 指“心里已有做某事的目标或计划”, 含有“行动坚决”之意, 如: I intended to write to you.我要给你写信。

  mean 也含有“想做某事”的意思,可与 intend互换, 但强调“做事的意图”, 较口语化, 如: I mean to go to bed earlier tonight.今晚 我想早些睡觉。

  另外类似的词还有propose,指“公开明确地提出自已的目的或计划”, 如:I proposed to speak for an hour.我想讲一小时。


  appreciate指对…表示感激、感谢。如:I really appreciate your help.我真的很感激你的帮助。

  1.under separate cover

  under separate cover表示“另封邮寄”,对应于enclose.

  Enclose表示“随函附寄”。除了under separate cover 还可以用by separate mail, by separate post ; 或by another mail, by another post





  Offer作名词用时,常与动词make, send, give等连用,后接介词for或on, 或of, 接 for最普通,接on较少见,买方提及卖方的报盘时,即说到对方已报某货的盘或某数量的盘时,常用of.如:Please make (send, give) us an offer for (或 on) Walnuts. Your offer of wood oil is too high.(当然,在这若用for或on也对,但用of较好)。

  Offer做动词时,可以不及物,如: We will offer as soon as possible. 我方将尽早报盘。也可以及物。


  We hope to be able to offer you next week. 我们希望能于下周某一天向你方报盘。

  We can offer various kinds of cotton piece goods. 我们能报盘各式各样的棉布。

  We can offer you Iron Nails at attractive prices. 我们能以具有吸引力的价格向你报盘铁钉。
严格讲quote/quotation 与 offer不同,quote/quotation是报价,指某一商品的单价,offer是报盘,除单价外,还包括数量,交货期,付款方式等等。


  另外,在使用时,还应注意下列习惯用法:Please offer us 500 Bicycles CIF London. Please quote us your lowest price for 500 Bicycles CIF London.

  注意:动词quote 的基本用法:to quote sb. a price for sth. 动词 offer 的基本用法:to offer sb. sth.

  3.In due course

  in due course 是商业书信中的成语,有时用副词duly,意指情况正常按时到达。

  4.At seller‘s/buyer’s option

  at seller‘s option 表示由卖方决定,而at buyer’s option 则表示由买方决定。

  5.Acceptable,Accept, Acceptance

  acceptable 是形容词,可接受的;accept是动词,接受;acceptance是名词,接受。

  在报盘有效期内接受报盘的全部条款,达成交易。我们就说:We accept your offer of 2 000 kilos black tea. 或:We confirm our acceptance of your offer of …

  若买方只是说:Your offer is acceptable. We are accepting your offer.都不应理解为业务已经成交,对此必须特别注意,以免在实际业务中发生误会。


  confirmation 是名词,表示确认。
第四课复习重点 be indebted to somebody for something

  to be indebted to somebody for something 是这种句式基本语序,但在实践中,如果somebody是一个比较长的短语,为了使整个句子读起来更通顺,更容易理解,就可以把它挪到句尾:to be indebted to somebody for something.

  如本课 We are indebted for your address to the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Algerian Embassy in Beijing. 我们得知你公司的地址,要感谢阿尔及利亚驻北京大使馆商赞处。在这里,要感谢的人是the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Algerian Embassy in Beijing. 阿尔及利亚驻北京大使馆商赞处,这是个比较长的短语,所以放在句尾。


  They have informed us that……该处已经告知我们……

  Inform 做通知讲时,可与advise换用。


  a. 宾语后接of短语: in form (advise) somebody of something. 不过近来国外来信有省略介词of的现象。We shall in form (advise) you (of) the date of shipment.我们将把装运日期通知你方。

  b. 宾语后接从句 inform (advise) somebody + that/what/which: We wish to inform (advise) you that business has been done at US$110 per metric ton. 我们已经以每公吨110美元的价格成交,特此告知。

  c.兹通知(你们)……Please be informed (advised) that……: Please be informed (advised) that we have already sent the samples requested. 兹通知你方,我方已经将所索样品寄出。

  注意:如果省略宾语(人称代词)则不宜使用inform.如:Please advise the name of steamer. 请告知船名。Please advise what quantity you can sell a year.请告知每年可销售的数量。在这种情况下,不能用inform,只能用advise. the market for something

  in the market for something 是书面语言,表示想买进某物。如课文中:You are in the market for Chemicals. 你公司要购买化工产品。
除此以外,in the market for something 也可以引申于“乐于接受某物”。如:I'm always in the market for good new ideas.我总是乐于接受有益的新建议。

  in the market 是想要买(或卖)的意思。如:Please advise us when you are in the market.当你们想要买(或卖)时,请告知我们。

  In the market 还可以做“上市,出售,可以买到”解,同on the market可以相互替代。

  如:This is the best article on the market.这是市场上可以买到的最好的商品。

  又如:The article will be on the market.商品本周就会上市。


  at the market 主要用于交易所,意思是:照市价,照当前最好的行情。

  bring to market, put on the market, come into the market 都可以用来表示:在市场上出售,投放市场。如:The new color TV will come into the market soon. 新型彩色电视机不久将投放市场。

  lose one's market 失去做买卖的机会。如:We don't want to lose our market by sticking to have it at the market price. 我们不想因为坚持按市价购进而失去做买卖的机会。

  price out of the market (商品)定价过高而无人购买。如:If you don't accept a low profit, you'll price yourself right out of the market. 如果你不同意降低利润,就只有漫天要价无人问津了。

  enclose 是动词,表示“封入”。商业信件中常有在 enclose后加herewith的,如We enclose herewith a copy of our price list. 但最好不用,因enclose与herewith在意义上重复。

  表示附在某封信内,用介词with 或 in: Please refer to the price list enclosed with (or: in) our letter of August 5. 请查阅8月5去信所附的价目表。

  过去分词enclosed作表语时,常倒装置于句首。如A copy of our Export List are enclosed.

  在课文中将enclosed 倒装:Enclosed herewith is a copy of our Export List 现随函附寄我公司出口商品表一份。

  过去分词enclosed作宾语补足语时,也常倒装置于句首或置于谓语动词之后:Enclosed please find a copy of our price list. (或 Please find enclosed a copy of our price list.) 随函附寄我公司价目表一份。

  过去分词enclosed可作名词,前面加定冠词:We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. 我们相信你们对所附之件会感兴趣。


  requirement 表示需要时,常用单数,后接介词of: We have noted your requirement of samples and catalogues.我们已经注意到你们需要样品和商品目录。

  表示需要的货物或需要量时常用复数,后接介词for或of: We can meet your requirements for Walnut meat.我们可以满足你方对核桃仁的需要。Please let us know your annual requirements of Walnuts.请告知你方对核桃的年需求量。

  注意:表示满足需要,除meet外,还可以用satisfy, fill, supply 等动词。


  to promote both business and friendship促进业务和友谊;

  可替代的用法是:to promote friendship as well as business . in 和trade with

  in our trade with customers in the Asian-African countries我们在同亚非国家的客户进行贸易时;

  trade 做动词用时,表示“从事贸易,做生意,经营”。

  注意:和某人做贸易接with, 经营某项商品接in. 如:They trade mainly in cotton piece goods.他们主要经营棉布。

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