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外贸函电常见句型 中国鞋网 更新日期:2010-10-07 15:55:31 浏览:15235 【大字体  中字体  小字体】 【打印


    I am very much pleased to inform you that….

    With great delight I learn that…

    Your kind letter of Sunday arrived this morning..

    Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

    I am very much obliged to you for your warm congratulation.

    How are you doing now?

    Have a nice day!

    Good for you.

    How are you and how is work? I hope fine.

    Hope everyting is fine with you.

    Hoping everything goes well with you.

    Wish everything with you goes well.

    offer subject to our final confirmation

    Thank you for your letter dated xx. In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, which will be valid subject to your immediate reply reaching us before xx, as follows:

    Noted/Received with many thanks.  注意到,收到并非常感谢。

    In reply, we very much regret to state that….

    We await your order under which we cam make out contract early. Meanwhile, you may rest assured that we shall make shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of your order.

    As regars xx, we are enclosing a list for your perusal. If you are interested in any of our stock goods, please let us know your detaled requirements, stating quantity, siza, style, etc.

    Enclosed are xx


    We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order.

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your future order.

    The growing demand has doubtlessly resulted in the increased price.

    We assure you of our best attention.

    Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Your kind early reply will be highly appreciated.

    Thanks for your sincere cooperation with us.

    I wish you every success in the coming year.

    Thank you again for your kind consideration of my …

    If you want more information , please feel free to contact me again.

    If there is anyting we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

    With best regards to your family.

    With love and wishes.

    Wish you the best of health and success.

    We hope to receive your favor at an early date.

    We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay.

    We trust you will favor us with an prompt early reply.

    Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

    Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

    Looking forward to hearing your kind action and hope we would have long term cooperation.
Best regard!

    Looking forward to your early email reply.

    Many thanks in advance.


    Could you please let me know what you buying in term of lumber, so I ican give you a competitive quote accordingly. Please let me know the dimensions, the length, the grade, the milling and the state.

    My company….has been in business almost 30 years, and has an impaccable reputation in the business world.

    I look forward to your response promptly as I would love to do business with you in the near future.

    We would highly apperciate you sending to us you're the best and the most competitive FOB prices.

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